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HomeShopAerial Access PlatformsScissor Lift12.0 meter working height Self Propelled Scissor Lift

12.0 meter working height Self Propelled Scissor Lift

(5208 customer reviews)

SKU: MS1000S Categories: ,

Machine Features

1. Battery Operated with Hydraulic Drive Motor
2. Extension Platform to reach the site quickly
3. Fork Lift Slots for easy transportation
4. Automatic display of fault code for easy maintenance
5. Low Noise, Non-Pollution and Strong Adaptability for various using sites

Safety Features

1. Auxiliary Lowering Device
2. Anti-burst System
3. Emergency Stop Button
4. Tilting Protection System
5. Charging Protection System
6. Automatic Pothole Protection
7. Automatic Braking System
8. Buzzer and Horn

Technical Data

Data Sheet
Model MX1000S
Working height max (m) 12
Platform height max (m) 10
Lift capacity (kg) 320
Lift capacity (kg) (Platform extended) 113
Weight (kg) CE / AUS Standard 2532
Platform size (L×W) (m) 2.27*1.12
Slide-out platform extension deck (m) 0.9
Platform length extended (m) 3.17
Stowed size (L×W) (m) 2.43*1.15
Stowed height (m) 2.42
Hydraulic system capacity (L) 20
Gradeability 0.25
Ground clearance (m) (Stowed) 0.1
Ground clearance (m) (Raised) 0.019
Platform occupancy max 2
Raise / Lower time (s) 60/40
Maximum Working Slope 2°/3°
Lifting Motor Power 3.3Kw
Power source 4×6V;240Ah
Tire size (mm) 380*129

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    1. Airport Transfers : Start and end your trip with comfort and style. Our [url=https://seattlexlimo.com/edmonds-airport-limo/]Edmonds Airport Limo[/url] service ensures a smooth ride to and from all major airports in the Seattle area, including Sea-Tac International Airport and Boeing Field.

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    – Luxury Fleet : Our fleet includes a variety of high-end vehicles, from luxury sedans and SUVs to stretch limousines and party buses.
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    Start your journey in style with our seamless SeaTac Airport transportation service. Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, our professional chauffeurs ensure a punctual and comfortable ride to and from the airport. Sit back, relax, and let us handle the logistics while you enjoy the scenic views or catch up on work in our well-appointed vehicles.

    Our fleet includes a variety of luxury sedans, SUVs, and stretch limousines, each equipped with modern amenities to make your ride as pleasant as possible. With our meet-and-greet service, your chauffeur will be waiting for you at the arrivals gate, ready to assist with your luggage and escort you to your vehicle.

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    Need a reliable and efficient way to travel between Seattle and Vancouver? Our limo service offers safe and quick transportation, ensuring you reach your destination on time and in comfort. Our experienced chauffeurs are well-versed in the best routes and traffic patterns, guaranteeing a smooth and hassle-free journey.

    Whether you’re traveling for a corporate event, a family vacation, or a special occasion, our luxury vehicles provide the perfect setting for a relaxing trip. Enjoy the beautiful Pacific Northwest scenery as you travel in style, with amenities such as complimentary Wi-Fi, refreshments, and climate control.

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    At our limo service, your safety and security are our top priorities. Our professional chauffeurs undergo rigorous training and background checks to ensure they meet the highest standards of service and safety. Each vehicle in our fleet is meticulously maintained and equipped with the latest safety features, providing you with peace of mind throughout your journey.

    Whether you’re exploring Seattle’s vibrant cultural scene, attending a business meeting, or celebrating a special event, our limo service offers a safe and secure travel experience. Our chauffeurs are knowledgeable about the city and can provide recommendations for the best attractions, restaurants, and nightlife, ensuring you make the most of your time in Seattle.

    Why Choose Our Limo Service?

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    – Safety: Your safety is our top priority, with rigorous training and maintenance standards.

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    At our [url=https://seattlestowncar.com/limo-service-seattle-discover-luxury-rides-for-any-event-today/]Seattle Limousine Service[/url] , we understand that every occasion is special. Whether it’s a wedding, a prom night, or a corporate event, our Limo Seattle drivers are trained to provide a seamless and luxurious travel experience. With our Seattle Limo service, you can expect:

    – Professional Chauffeurs: Our drivers are not just professional, but courteous and experienced, ensuring your journey is smooth and stress-free.
    – State-of-the-Art Vehicles: Our Limousine Seattle fleet includes the latest models equipped with modern amenities to enhance your travel experience.
    – Timely Service: Punctuality is our hallmark. We ensure that you reach your destination on time, every time.
    – Customized Packages: We offer tailored packages to suit your budget and requirements, making our Seattle Limousine Service accessible to all.

    Our Limo Seattle services are perfect for various occasions:

    – Weddings: Make your special day even more memorable with our elegant and luxurious Seattle Limo service.
    – Corporate Events: Impress your clients and partners with our professional and reliable Limousine Seattle service.
    – Airport Transfers: Start and end your journey in style with our timely and comfortable airport transfer services.
    – Prom Nights: Ensure your prom night is unforgettable with our stylish and safe Seattle Limousine Service .

    With a commitment to excellence, our Seattle Limousine Service stands out as the go-to choice for luxury transportation. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor to Seattle, our Limo Seattle service is designed to make every ride a memorable one.

    Experience the difference with our Seattle Limo service. Book your ride today and indulge in the ultimate luxury travel experience. Our Limousine Seattle team is ready to make your journey extraordinary.

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    Experience Luxury with Our Premier [url=https://seattlestowncar.com/limo-service-seattle-discover-luxury-rides-for-any-event-today/]Limo Service in Seattle[/url]

    When you’re seeking an unforgettable, luxurious transportation experience in the Emerald City, look no further than our [url=https://seattlestowncar.com/limo-service-seattle-discover-luxury-rides-for-any-event-today/]Limousine Service in Seattle[/url] . We pride ourselves on offering top-tier Limo Service in Seattle , catering to both residents and visitors who want to add a touch of elegance to their travels.

    Our [url=https://seattlestowncar.com/limo-service-seattle-discover-luxury-rides-for-any-event-today/]Limo Service Seattle[/url] is designed to meet all your transportation needs, from airport transfers to special events, corporate travel, and sightseeing tours. Our fleet of modern, well-maintained limousines ensures a smooth and comfortable ride every time. Each vehicle is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities to enhance your journey.

    Limousine Service in Seattle provides professional chauffeurs who are not only skilled drivers but also knowledgeable about the city. They are committed to delivering exceptional service, ensuring you arrive at your destination safely and on time. Whether you need a reliable ride to a business meeting or a luxurious experience for a night out on the town, our Limo Service in Seattle has you covered.

    We understand that every client has unique needs, which is why we offer customizable packages for our Limo Service Seattle . From executive travel to wedding transportation, our flexible options ensure that you get the perfect service tailored to your requirements.

    Choose Limousine Service in Seattle for a superior travel experience. Our dedication to excellence, professionalism, and luxury sets us apart from the rest. Book your ride today and elevate your journey with our premier Limo Service in Seattle .

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    Experience Unmatched Elegance with [url=https://seattlestowncar.com/limo-service-seattle-discover-luxury-rides-for-any-event-today/]Premier Limo Service in Seattle[/url]

    Discover the epitome of luxury and convenience with our Premier Limo Service in Seattle . Whether you’re planning a special event, a corporate meeting, or a memorable night out, choosing the right limo service can elevate your experience to new heights. Here’s why you should opt for our exceptional services:

    [url=https://seattlestowncar.com/limo-service-seattle-discover-luxury-rides-for-any-event-today/]Choose the Right Limo Service in Seattle[/url]

    When selecting a limo service, it’s crucial to ensure you’re getting the best value and quality. Our fleet of modern, well-maintained vehicles guarantees a smooth and comfortable ride every time. Our professional chauffeurs are not only highly skilled but also courteous, ensuring your journey is both safe and pleasant. We offer a variety of vehicle options to cater to different needs, from sleek sedans to spacious SUVs and luxurious stretch limousines.

    [url=https://seattlestowncar.com/limo-service-seattle-discover-luxury-rides-for-any-event-today/]Benefits of Using a Limo Service in Seattle[/url]

    Using a limo service in Seattle offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it provides a stress-free travel experience, allowing you to relax and enjoy the journey without worrying about traffic or parking. Our punctual and reliable service ensures you arrive at your destination on time, every time. Additionally, our limo service adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any occasion, making it perfect for weddings, proms, and corporate events.

    With our Premier Limo Service in Seattle , you can expect top-notch customer service, state-of-the-art amenities, and a commitment to excellence. Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor to the Emerald City, choosing the right limo service will make your travel experience unforgettable.

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    Make your prom night unforgettable with our luxurious prom limousine in Seattle. Our fleet includes sleek, modern vehicles equipped with state-of-the-art amenities to ensure a night of glamour and fun. Our professional chauffeurs prioritize safety and punctuality, allowing you to focus on making lifelong memories.

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    For business or leisure, our professional chauffeured car services in Seattle set the standard for luxury and reliability. Our fleet includes a variety of high-end vehicles to suit your needs, from corporate travel to special events. Our experienced chauffeurs are dedicated to providing exceptional service, ensuring that you arrive at your destination safely and on time.

    Choose our limo service for an unparalleled travel experience in Seattle. Whether it’s a special occasion, a business trip, or a relaxing vacation, we are committed to delivering excellence in every ride.

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